Ufobus stop


The Bacia Collective employs the space of the streets and the daily life as a place for performance interventions. Simple actions that explore the poetics of encounters with a pinch of discomfort for the automatic.

In “Ufobus Stop”, a traffic sign parodying signs usually found in bus stops is placed in public areas, making an invitation to passersby: let’s go to another planet?

Curious, many people stoped, asked, got in the line, believed or pretend to believe in the story of the so-expected flying saucer that would take us to a far away galaxy, complained about Brazil’s situation and the world...

Above all else, the public is invited to perform in the space of the street, to denaturalize the automatic rhythm of the bodies, to exchange a little bit of their daily lives using humor, fable, and irony.

Wouldn’t it be these three, humor, fable, andirony, the perfect ingredients to create, in the world we live in, a new world?

Special thanks to Daisy Fornari for the images.

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